If you have not been checking my website, I have been working hard to expand it. I have a lot of thoughts to share and many years of Bible study and life experience to give you the cheat codes to avoid the same struggles I endured. I think I have a comment section at the bottom of each page and I would love to hear your agreements, disagreements, questions, or suggestions in the comment section. I think I want to add a section called "Church Fathers" where I review or summarize their writings and comment on how they affect our understanding of the Bible. It is a big task because their writings are generally so huge. My main goal would be to give you the "Cliff's Notes" and/or pull out the pertinent parts and clearly identify the lesson to be learned. I already know that nothing in the Bible or in any ancient writing is necessary to live a good life, or to avoid eternal punishment, but there are still millions of people who are enslaved by these ancient superstitions. It is a major goal for me to make a significant impact on humanity before I die. I want to move humanity towards the realization that the Bible is an evil book of lies, instead of some holy book from God.
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Bible Mastery
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