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The Jesus Scam

by Jeff on 11/27/2024

If I lied to you, you would call me a liar, right? So, why do you call Jesus "God" when he lies to you? Everything Jesus said in the Bible is a lie...EVERYTHING! Maybe I am exaggerating, but let me show you what I mean. 


Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 17:20, if they had faith the size of a mustard seed, they could tell a mountain to move from here to there and it will move. Jesus said nothing will be impossible for them, if they just had a little faith. The context of this story is a man brought his epileptic son to the disciples to heal him, because he would have seizures and fall into fire or water and he suffered greatly. The disciples could not heal him, so they asked Jesus why they were not able to heal him. Jesus said it was because they lacked faith, yet the disciples obviously thought they could heal him or else they wouldn't have tried and been confused when they failed. So they had faith the size of a mustard seed, but they still failed. Later, Jesus says this kind of demon only comes out with prayer and fasting, but he didn't pray or fast when he healed him. In verse 18, Jesus just rebuked the demon and it came out that very hour. A Christian will make a thousand excuses why Jesus didn't lie here, but an honest person will just see a thousand lies and excuses. Assuming the Bible is true and Holy produces delusional people. Epilepsy is not a demonic attack, it is a physiological condition, and no Christian can cure epilepsy no matter how much they pray and fast. No Christian can move mountains. No Christian has unlimited power to do anything. Christians have the exact same supernatural powers as non-Christians, NONE! This makes Jesus a liar. 


Jesus said, many times in the Bible, those who believed in him would be able to perform supernatural things to demonstrate the power of God, but it is all an obvious lie, yet Christians are incapable of seeing it or admitting it, because they are delusional or dishonest. In John 14:12-14, Jesus said whoever believes in him will do all the same works that he did, and even greater things will you do. Jesus said, whatever you ask in his name, he will do, so God will be glorified in the son. Jesus repeats in verse 14, whatever you ask in my name, I will do it. If you think Jesus words are still applicable today, why don't Christians demonstrate the power of God through prayer in Jesus name? Oh, they will pray, but Jesus never keeps his promise to give you what you ask for. Jesus never demonstrates his power. Jesus never even demonstrates his ability to hear the prayer. Christians just pray and nothing happens. That makes Jesus a liar. 


This is not just a random verse taken out of context. This is a consistent promise from Jesus that is ALWAYS false. John 15:7 says, if you abide in me and my words abide in you, then you can ask whatever you wish and it will be done for you. Apparently, there is not a single Christian alive or dead who has ever abided in Jesus, because not a single Christian who has ever lived has demonstrated this super-power. Mark 11:24 says whatever you ask in prayer, believe you have received it and it will be yours. Christians love this verse because they can say the reason you didn't get what you asked for is because you didn't believe you would get it. It doesn't matter how much you believed you would get it in reality, it only matters that you didn't get it, therefore you must not have believed good enough. This is an evil tactic to justify lies. Matthew 21:22 says whatever you ask for in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith. Since no one gets what they ask for, Christians just say no one has faith. How convenient. The only prayer that works is the prayer that says, "Oh God, just do whatever you want." That way no matter what happens you can say your prayer was effective. So, if your child gets kidnapped, drugged, raped, and murdered, you can just say, "Thank you God, for taking my little girl to Heaven, in accordance with your will to make her endure great suffering and anguish along the way." You are delusional! You are a fool! Jesus is a liar! Jesus said in Matthew 7:7, ask and it will be given, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you. I can tell you from 48 years of experience, this is not true. I have prayed many prayers in the name of Jesus, while believing Jesus was capable of anything, but he NEVER demonstrated his power. I see many Christians who believe in Jesus, and yet their prayers are not answered either. Jesus never promised to "answer" prayers. Jesus said whatever you ask, you will receive. If Jesus answers with a "no", then he is a proven liar. 


Let me conclude this thought with indisputable proof that Jesus is a powerless liar. In Matthew 26:36-44, (as well as Mark 14 and Luke 22) Jesus prays three times in the garden of Gethsemane in great sorrow and anguish, asking his father to let this cup of suffering pass from him. Not only did his father not give him what he asked for while praying in agony multiple times, but as soon as he stopped praying, a mob of people showed up with torches and weapons to arrest, torture, and kill Jesus. The Christians will say I left out the most important part when Jesus said, "nevertheless not my will, let thy will be done." They will say God did give Jesus what he asked for, because he asked God to do whatever God wanted to do, instead of what Jesus wanted him to do. This is a scam. If I tell you I will give you anything you ask for as long as you only ask for what I want to give you, you should realize I am scamming you. If I tell you I will give you any amount of money you ask for, as long as it matches the amount I want to give you, then I am scamming you. If you ask for a million dollars, then I would just say, that is not my will. You need to ask that my will be done, not yours. Then, when you ask me to give you however much money I want to give you, and I give you no money at all, you should realize I am scamming you. You just have to read the fine print disclaimer that the Bible has built in excuses and justifications for God to escape all accountability. The Bible and Jesus are  completely unreliable and they will ruin your life. 

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