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Bible Mastery
Is there a God?
There is either no God at all or the God(s) are deliberately hiding from us.
How did life/universe begin?
No one knows how all things began. Theists just created God(s) to fill in the holes where we don't have answers.
Do you believe in the Big Bang?
I have learned that belief in anything is completely pointless. Belief changes nothing and there is no evidence for beliefs. The question we should be asking is what is the evidence to support a claim or theory. The only evidence I am aware of for the Big Bang is the "red shift" which is an indication of the expansion of the universe, and I am not well studied on this topic.
Why did you leave Christianity?
I left Christianity after 30 years (from age 16 to 46) after realizing that the New Testament was created by Romans, in response to multiple Jewish rebellions. My research that led me to this conclusion is in my book "Jesus Demigod."
What if you are wrong?
Christians constantly suggest that they are just being safe by believing in Jesus. This way, if Jesus is real, they won't have to burn in Hell for all eternity. Now, really think about that for a second. They can't prove Jesus is real, but they are believing just so they can avoid Hell, in case it is true. This results in living a life of fear. You must believe that God is so evil, that he would torture you for eternity, simply because you didn't believe the right thing. The greatest thing about atheism, is the complete freedom to challenge all things (including all gods) in search for truth. If Christians are right, then God is an evil tyrant. I won't worship an evil tyrant god, even if he is real.
How do you explain prophecy?
I am glad you asked. I wrote a detailed response to this question here. There are multiple tricks or scams the "prophets" used to deceive their audiences, and you would be wise to admit that every "prophet" is a liar.
What happens when we die?
Death is the end of life, just like birth is the beginning of life. Heaven and Hell are both fake. Eternal life is a scam.
Atheists have no reason to live.
This is a statement rather than a question, but I hear it a lot. I recently heard someone respond to this by saying, "On the contrary, atheists have no reason to die." The believer has every reason to die, because all their hope is in their pretend reward after death. The atheist actually increases the value of this life, because we are not expecting a better life in round 2. We need to live while we have life.
What is the meaning of life?
This question assumes there must be a meaning or higher purpose to life. The Theist assumes we must be trying to satisfy God somehow, but why would God be unsatisfied? The atheist just tries to make the best of this opportunity called life. We hope to live a good life and help improve the lives of others. An atheist can focus on life instead of death.
Why do you want to destroy our hope?
Is evidence, truth, and knowledge your enemy? Facts destroy faith. I do not "want" to destroy your hope, but I do want the truth. I know that the Bible is not true, and I found out who created Christianity and why. It hurts me that I believed lies for so long and it is painful to watch people devote their lives to lies. I know you want to believe in Heaven. I know you want to believe you will see your dead loved ones again. That is a comforting thought, but it is just not true. Would you rather hope in a lie, or live in truth?
How can you be so sure?
I have overwhelming evidence that Christianity was created by evil Romans with intent to manipulate and control people. If you read "Jesus Demigod" you will understand. When you combine years of life experience with years of academic research and intellectual integrity, the picture becomes clear. I had to admit I was wrong many times. I could still learn new things, but it won't change the evidence that I already have.
Why don't you agree with scholars?
Scholars don't agree with themselves. Scholars often have biases that prevent them from admitting the truth. Scholars livelihood often depends on their answers and the public sentiment. I am only motivated by truth, and I will go anywhere the evidence leads. I listen to scholars and their reasonings, but their reasons often do not comport with the evidence. For example, Dr. Bart Ehrman is adamant in discrediting the Bible as a reliable source, then he will mock anyone who rejects the existence of a literal man who was crucified by Pontus Pilate around 33 CE. Dr. Ehrman strips away all miraculous claims from Jesus, but still holds that he was a literal, natural person. The evidence for Dr. Ehrman's position is the same evidence that he discredits.
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