Bible Mastery
Debunking Preterism
Before you can debunk anything, you have to thoroughly understand it. I literally wrote a book about Preterism in 2022, and at the time, I believed Preterism was irrefutable. I still think Preterism is the necessary interpretation of the New Testament, if the New Testament is true, but I have since learned that the New Testament is Roman propaganda or deliberate deception. If you don't know what Preterism is, it is basically the idea that Jesus fulfilled all the Law and the Prophets by the time the Jewish Temple was destroyed in 70 CE. In Matthew 5:17-18 Jesus said he did not come to destroy the Law but to fulfill it and until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest jot or tittle would pass from the law until all things were accomplished. Therefore, it is impossible to accept Jesus as a true prophet, if you also think anything is left undone. Either all things were fulfilled when Jesus arrived in the first century, or Jesus is unreliable. 1 John 3:8 says the reason Jesus came into the world was to destroy the works of the devil. Did Jesus destroy the works of the devil? If you think the works of the devil are not destroyed, then you must conclude that Jesus failed his mission, according to the Bible. The necessary conclusion to Jesus fulfilling all prophecy is universal salvation. If Jesus reversed the curse put on Adam and Eve in the garden, then we are all living in harmony with God once again and there is no reason to think there is anything better in our future. This world is the best we can ever expect to experience, because Jesus already reconciled us back to God. Jesus said the Kingdom of God was at hand 2,000 years ago (Matthew 4:17), that his Kingdom was not of this world (John 18:36), that the kingdom does not come with observation (Luke 17:20), and the kingdom of God is within you (Luke 17:21). Jesus prayed, our father who art in Heaven, hallowed by thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Did God answer the prayer of Jesus? Did Jesus receive what he asked for? Is it God's will that children get raped and murdered on earth? It was my conclusion when I was a Preterist and wrote "It Is Finished" that God must have forgiven all sins, but evil remained. Jesus must have reconciled us to God in the unseen spiritual realm, because he obviously didn't fix the problems in the visible realm. There is no doubt that evil still exists in the world today, so if Preterism is true, then evil must also exist in our world that has been reconciled back to God. So the only way you can conclude that Jesus was successful, is if you conclude that he accomplished his purpose in the "spiritual realm." I became highly suspicious of this idea that we were reconciled back to God in the unseen realm, and that we are just supposed to believe it because the book says so, even though there is no tangible evidence. When you are expected to believe something happened in the unseen realm, you should be suspicious too.
The mainstream Christian narrative is that this life is insignificant, when compared with the eternal life that we experience after physical death, but what if there is no life after death? What if you spend your entire life hoping for something that never happens? What if this is the only life you get? Would you be proud of the life you lived, if you knew your foundational hope was a lie? It was heart breaking to me when I lost hope of eternity in Heaven, but I would rather live my "real" life in truth, than waste it on false promises. The only evidence that Heaven is real comes from the Christian promises in the Bible, but if the Bible is not reliable, then there is no evidence of eternal life. This entire website is designed to show you how we can know the Bible is not reliable. I am not just trying to destroy your dreams, I am trying to help you live in reality, so you don't waste your life like I wasted 30 years believing in Jesus.
The Preterist Christian harps on "audience relevance." The Preterist realizes that when Jesus and Paul spoke (in the Bible), they were not speaking to us, about us, or for us. When Jesus said he was only sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, the Preterist understands that we are not included in that audience. The Preterist must conclude that we are the unconditional beneficiaries of what Jesus accomplished by his death and resurrection and that there is no physical evidence that Jesus accomplished anything. So in that sense, the Preterist view is no different from the mainstream Christian view; you just need to believe in something with no evidence. The Bible certainly provides consistent evidence that the intended audience who was alive in that first Christian generation expected to see the arrival of Jesus, the Kingdom of God, and the fulfillment of all things. The mainstream Christian thinks we are still waiting for Jesus to accomplish all things, but the Preterist Christian just places the fulfillment of all things in the spiritual unseen realm.
As a Preterist, I was uncomfortable assuming everything was accomplished in the spiritual unseen realm with no physical evidence to confirm it. I saw the consistent Biblical claims that Jesus was going to accomplish all things in that first Christian generation, but not even the mainstream Christians are willing to proclaim the victory of Jesus. Many mainstream Christians will openly admit that Satan is still ruling this world today, because they see so much evil. They either have to conclude Jesus is reigning in Heaven now, while Satan rules the earth, or they have to conclude that the Kingdom (of Jesus) has not arrived yet and we are still waiting for it. The Preterist simply spiritualizes everything and proclaims the victory of Jesus, even though we can't see any evidence for it. The Preterist view attempts to proclaim the victory of Jesus, while the mainstream Christian view lives in faith that Jesus will accomplish his goals sometime in the future, but my view is simply that it is all just human philosophy and deception. I didn't just jump to this conclusion though. I wrote Jesus Demigod to share my research that led me to this conclusion.
As I searched for the answers to my questions, I was shocked by every rock I turned over. A new lie was uncovered with every question and answer. For example, why was Jesus so mad at the Jews in his generation? The truth is that Rome was really who was mad at the Jews. Jesus just taught the Roman perspective. Why did Jesus threaten the death and destruction of the Jews and their Temple? Because the Romans had already squashed the Jewish rebellion and destroyed the Temple in 70 CE. Can it be verified that Jesus actually predicted the future? NO! When were the gospels written? They were all written after the Temple was destroyed! OH MY GOD! It dawned on me. This is a Roman campaign to destroy the Jews. Why is there no prophecy about a crucified Jewish Messiah in the Hebrew Scriptures? Because the Romans created Jesus to fit their narrative. Why did they tell all these stories about Christians being martyred for their faith? Because the Romans admired the Jews for their willingness to die for their faith, but the Romans applied this dying faith narrative to their replacement religion of Christianity instead of to the Jews that were dying for their faith at the hands of the Romans.
I may add more to this page later, but my book "Jesus Demigod" is where you will find the evidence that led me to these conclusions. "It is Finished" is my explanation for Full Preterism and Universal Salvation, IF the Bible is reliable. "Jesus Demigod" is my explanation for how I know the Bible is not reliable. "Fixing God's Mistakes" is my attempt to right the ship after realizing all religions and all god's are unreliable.