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Bible Mastery Home

Can you master the Bible?

I was a slave to the Bible for about 46 years. I thought the Bible was God's instruction manual for human life. I thought that the Bible was a miraculous revelation from the almighty God to humanity and if the Bible says something it must be true. Boy, was I wrong! The key to Mastering the Bible is to realize that it is just a book of human philosophy and lies for the purpose of controlling and manipulating gullible and weak minded people. If you are unwilling to admit the obvious truths that I will point out on this page, then you are truly enslaved by ancient human philosophy. If you are afraid to admit that the God of the Bible has only ever done evil from Genesis to Revelation, then you are the mind that ancient humans intended to control. Your masters have been dead for thousands of years, but you are still under their control. The Bible is not good for humanity, and you need to become a Master of the Bible, instead of a slave to it. In order to Master the Bible, you need to be able to admit that it has no power over you. Can you say, "The Bible is not the Holy Word of God, it is the evil work of men"? 

About Me

I am a Truth Seeker

I am a genuine truth seeker and I speak openly and honestly all the time. Everything you find on this website will be my honest opinion and my opinion will be supported with evidence. I won't believe anything anyone else says, just because they say it, no matter who they are or what degrees they hold. Likewise, I won't expect you to believe me, just because I say it. I have changed my views many times throughout my life, so I know I can be wrong, but when I am wrong, I will change my views to fit the evidence. This world is full of lies and deceptions and evil intentions. It is my goal to identify the lies and move the world in the direction of truth. 


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