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Human/Child Sacrifice

The phrase "Human Sacrifice" should cause all people to shutter in disgust. Any God that demands a human sacrifice would surely be an evil Pagan God, right? I remember watching the movie "Apocalypto" directed by Mel Gibson when the Mayans had a huge line of slaves that were waiting their turns to get to the top of the Mayan Temple where their hearts could be cut out and their heads chopped off and thrown down the long stairs. All Christians could readily admit that the Mayans were worshipping a false god, but when their God called for a human sacrifice, they are all too ready to praise their God as the one true God. Mel Gibson even directed a movie for the Christian's glorious human sacrifice of Jesus called, "The Passion of the Christ." Christians are all too willing to accept the brutal torture and death of anyone, as long as it is not them getting tortured. Christians are able to imagine the eternal torture of billions of unbelievers in fire, while they look down from Heaven and accuse the unbelievers of choosing to be tortured by their own free will. I am ashamed to admit that I identified as a Christian for 30 years. But in my defense, I always struggled to believe that God could be so evil as to design a system that included the Christian Hell. 


I could appeal to your hearts by pointing out how disgusting human sacrifice is, but I really wanted to primarily appeal to your intellect. If that opening paragraph can't invoke empathy and compassion, then you are heartless. So let me see if you are also brainless. Christianity claims to be the fulfillment of Judaism, right? Jesus said he came to fulfill all the Law and Prophets and that not one jot or tittle would pass from the Law until all things were fulfilled (Matthew 5:17-18). Did you know that there is not a single prophecy anywhere in the Jewish Scriptures about a Messiah being an innocent blood sacrifice to pay for the sins of the guilty? In fact, the Jewish Scriptures expressly forbid human sacrifice and substitutionary atonement. Proverbs 17:15 says, he who justifies the wicked and he who condemns the righteous are alike, they are both an abomination to Yahweh. You may need to read that again. Whoever condemns the innocent has committed an abomination according to God, and whoever justifies the guilty has also committed an abomination according to God. This is the Christian plan of salvation as stated in 2 Corinthians 5:21, he (God) made him (Jesus) who knew no sin, to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God. Therefore, God condemned the innocent Jesus, so he could justify the guilty sinners. The only reason to remain a Christian after reading that, is if you are brainless. Many of us were trained that Christianity is the truth, but intelligent people can overcome their indoctrination, even though it is very difficult. 


Let's look at Psalm 106:37-38, they sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons. They shed innocent blood, even the blood of their sons and daughters, whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan. The land was polluted with blood. The brainless Christian finds a loophole in these verses. They don't think all human sacrifice is bad, or that all blood sacrifices of sons and daughters are bad, they think only the innocent blood sacrifices to FALSE gods is bad. The sacrifice of Jesus was to honor the true God, instead of a false Pagan god. This should actually be a foolproof test to find out if you are worshipping the true god or not. If any god asks you to sacrifice a human, then that god is false. 


Now look at Jeremiah 32:35, they built the high places of Baal, which are in the valley of the son of Hinnom (Gehenna-Hell) to cause their sons and daughters to pass through fire to Molech, which I didn't command them. It didn't even come into my mind, that they should do this abomination, to cause Judah to sin. This Jewish God seems to be repulsed by sacrificing innocent sons and daughters, so why would this same God change his mind and decide to send his own son to be a blood sacrifice, to appease his own wrath on behalf of guilty sinners? The Christian sees the same loophole here though. Only innocent blood sacrifices to false gods is an abomination, according to the brainless. Maybe they should consider that their god might be a false god. 


What the Christian fails to realize is that the Romans created Christianity as a Pagan replacement religion for Judaism. The Jews revolted against the Romans in the first and second centuries, so after the Romans put down the rebellion, they also changed their religion so it would conform to Roman expectations. All Christians need to realize they are worshipping a fictional Roman Demigod in Jesus. If you will just read "Jesus Demigod" you will know I am speaking truth.

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