Bible Mastery
Substitutionary Atonement
How does killing one thing atone for the sins of another thing? How does killing an animal pay for your sins, or how does killing one human atone for another human? And for the hardcore Christians, how does killing God (Jesus) absolve you of your sins? This is the subject of substitutionary atonement. I guess God was sitting in Heaven upset that his own creation wanted to eat pigs or have sex before marriage, that he needed to give us a visual image of death to warn us of how disgusted he was with his own creation. I guess it never crossed God's mind that he should have done a better job in creation, so he wouldn't be so disgusted by his own work. But God can't see his own flaws, he could only see ours. When God builds a sand castle on the beach, he blames the sand castle for its failures, instead of it's architect. God even made blood bright red, so it could be an unmistakable image of death.
It is so infuriating to me that people today are still so easily manipulated by ancient superstitions of blood sacrifice. Why can't people just admit that if God needs blood, then he more closely represents a vampire than a loving father. I am a father and I would never require blood from my children for any reason. When my daughter asked me what she had to do to go to Hell, because she had been reading the Bible, my rage at God was immeasurable. How could any father threaten his own children with torture, if they just don't believe what they are told to believe? I already had one foot out the door of Christianity when my daughter asked this question, but I picked up my sword and shield and turned against God at this point. If you are not enraged at the God of the Bible, you should be! The Bible is ruining the lives of millions of people everyday, and Christians are pushing this destruction as hard as they can.
What does the Jewish Scriptures say about substitutionary atonement? Ezekiel 18:20 says, the soul who sins shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be on him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be on him. This actually makes logical sense. If you sin, you are responsible for your own sins, and one person cannot pay for the sins of another person. If a son robs a store and murders the store clerk, could the father accept the son's punishment so the son could go free? Of course not! The one who committed the crime is the one who should receive the punishment. Deuteronomy 24:16 is the foundation law from Moses, the fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers. Every man shall be put to death for his own sin. There is no Jewish concept of substitutionary atonement, in fact, it is expressly forbidden. Now why do you suppose the concept of substitutionary atonement became the core value in Christianity? The answer is, because the Romans created Christianity to replace Judaism.
I need to address Isaiah 53 here because Christians would think I am hiding the truth if I didn't. Isaiah 53:5 says he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities, the punishment that brought us peace was on him. Christians claim that Isaiah 53 is a prophecy of Jesus paying for the sins of other people, but Isaiah 53 was not originally about Jesus. The Romans reinterpreted Isaiah 53 and created a fictional story about a Jewish Messiah who came to be a sacrifice for sins. The context of Isaiah 53 is clearly about the Babylonian captivity of God's servant Israel. Isaiah 48:20 says, leave Babylon, flee the Babylonians! Announce this with shouts of joy and proclaim it. Send it out to the ends of the earth; say the Lord has redeemed his servant Jacob. Jacob and Israel are interchangeable names. Israel was redeemed from Babylonian captivity and Israel was called God's servant many times in Isaiah. Isaiah 53 is speaking in the past tense because it is talking about something that happened in the past. It was not a Messianic Prophecy, until the Romans created Christianity and reinterpreted the Jewish Scriptures to conform to the Roman expectations. Israel paid for their own sins in Babylonian captivity, but the redeemed generation of Israel was looking back and thanking God that the previous generations paid their debt to God, so they could be restored back in Jerusalem.
Everywhere you look, you get the same result. Christianity is a Roman replacement religion for Judaism. "Jesus Demigod" will guide you to this overwhelming conclusion.